A dance-worthy playlist invites listeners on a journey. Set your intentions with care, select music with corresponding energetics, then build your epic storyline.
The Five Elements guide my musical arc:
My favorite sets feel like I’m met right where I’m at, guided into comfortable waters on a subterranean journey, invited to surrender and merge into the music, then am gently guided back to everyday reality, landing with a smile, Mind clear, Body sweaty, and Spirit restored. These musical sets feel like transportive shamanic journeys, where I release my tight grip on everyday reality, travel through the underworld, discover something new about myself or the world, experience transformation, then come back bearing gifts.
DJing for Ecstatic Dance follows the natural arc of life— like a story— beginning with an introduction, ramping up, climaxing, winding down, then concluding in beauty. It follows the cycles of the seasons, from the flowing mysteries of winter, to the exciting growth of spring, to the explosive heat of summer, to the cooling leaves-dropping of autumn. It follows the cycles of plants, rooting in winter, spouting into spring, blossoming into summer, fruiting into late summer, and releasing the seeds in autumn. In matching the rhythms of life through DJing with the Five Elements of Water, Wood, Fire, Earth, and Metal— we invite all of life to guide our journey, and dance with us.
May your DJing process be delightful, filled with surprises, and great music. May your dances be transformational, and utterly magical. May this work serve the healing and wholing of our bodies, Spirits, and planet. Dance on!